Aster has trained and well qualified professionals who specialized in customer satisfaction and building Customer relationships.
Our trained and experienced technicians and assemblers are skillfully guided by our specialist production mangers with perfection and precision in this smooth Production line
The Company believes in maintaining consistency in high quality and accuracy of its products. Aster gives 2-5 year warranty which is the longest in the industry assuring
Our mission is to manage the best technology products in the area crucial for the industrial growth as well as diversified into the latest market trends. We want to create a strong impact on the industrial sectors by providing best alternative solutions in the field of Instrumentation, Automation & the other services.
To be a professional solution provider of world leading electronic instrument by devoting to are while creating value for customers, employees and society. To provide worldwide customers with excellent electronic instruments and services at the most competitive performance and prices.
All Aster products are indigenously designed. With around 30% of the total manpower dedicated to development of new products. Aster R&D is the foundation of its growth and sustenance. Aster R&D is located at our corporate office. The R&D team designs products conforming to the relevant international standards. Aster makes considerable investment in R&D tools and equipments to stay abreast with the latest technological advancements